Explore the challenges and rewards of caregiving to understand its complexities better

Experience the challenges and rewards of informal caregiving through our interactive simulation. Walk away with a new or renewed sense of empathy for the enormous role informal caregivers play, and the systems designed to support them.

The Caregiver Simulation is perfect for case managers, social workers, health professionals, students in or considering the health-related field, employers and supervisors, new and seasoned professionals in social services, policy makers, faith community advocates, and more.

The overwhelming feedback from participants in the field of supporting informal caregivers, in one way or another, is that this empathy raising experience fosters a new or renewed appreciation for the complex systems a caregiver must navigate on a daily basis; the financial toll caregiving can take, the emotional stress of meeting the demands of caregiving, the challenges associated with being aninformal caregiver while maintaining employment, the day to day demands such as paying bills, getting food, transportation, and self-care.

One essential task the informal caregiver is given revolves around finding respite, including paying for respite or identifying and accessing services and supports in the community which provide respite. Respite is, as defined by the national ARCH (Accessing Respite Care and Help) organization “Planned or emergency care provided to a child or adult with special needs in order to provide temporary relief to family caregivers.”

It is the objective of NYSCRC to increase awareness of the challenges and immense value of informal caregivers, and to address systemic barriers that often prevent those caregivers from successfully caring for others while caring for themselves

Contact us to learn more about bringing the Caregiver Simulation to your community.

Please submit your form no later than 3 months prior to the requested event date(s).

The Caregiver Simulation really opened my eyes to the frustration and anxiety caregivers experience. It’s a clear indication that we need better systems.
— Caregiver Simulation Participant

This program is funded in part by New York State Office for the Aging, Administration for Community Living, Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc., and participant contributions.