Caregiver Education

Having the tools to navigate the caregiving journey can help with each step along the way.

Training and education promotes caregiver confidence and wellbeing.

  • Classes for Self Care

    Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a series of online or in-person classes designed to help caregivers take better care of themselves while caring for a friend or relative. See class schedule.

  • NYS Office for the Aging APP

    The NYS Aging App allows for easy access to information and resources assisting older adults stay as independent as possible for as long as possble. Download for Android and IOS.

  • Resources from Next Step in Care

    A program of United Hospital Fund, these resources are designed for both family caregivers and health care providers to help improve transitions in care.

  • Trualta Offers Support for Caregivers

    Online support and education to give caregivers the confidence they need to provide better care at home and improve health outcomes. Trualta empowerings caregivers through education, peer support, and coaching.