Help paying for a respite provider
Dear Doris,
I take care of my father who suffers from chronic heart disease. He lives with me, and I work from home, which allows me to manage both my job responsibilities and his daily needs more effectively, but it can be quite challenging at times. Unfortunately, I don’t qualify to receive funds to hire someone to assist me and provide a much-needed break occasionally. Are there other resources or support options that I might not be aware of that could help ease this situation?
Dear Julie –
Thank you for sharing your story of caring for your father. You may have accepted the role out of love or out of a sense of obligation, or a bit of both. Whatever your situation, I understand how challenging it can be. I commend you for finding a way to care for your father while working a full-time job.
Our organization, the New York State Caregiving and Respite Coalition (NYSCRC), offers caregivers like yourself a $600 Respite Voucher. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, and you have the freedom to hire a family member or friend. For more information about this NYSCRC program, email or call Rebecca Hyde at, or 585-645-4572.
Another resource I recommend often: NY Connects, 1-800-342-9871, NY Connects can help link you to resources and support in your area. Also, some disease-specific organizations, such as the American Heart Association,, are worth a call or a quick browse of their website.
Lastly, while having money to hire a respite provider is certainly top of mind for you, don’t rule out a support group or educational program for caregivers. I can recommend Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a class series that offers tools and tips for self care, family communication, and more. You can find information here.
Wishing you all the best in your caregiving journey,