What is NY Connects?
NY Connects is your trusted place to get connected to local resources for long term services and supports.
Who does NY Connects serve?
NY Connects serves older individuals and individuals with disabilities of all ages. NY Connects can help families, caregivers, and professionals.
What kind of help can I get from NY Connects?
NY Connects can help you…
Find care and support
Remain independent
Understand care options
Find transportation
Learn about supports in caregiving
Find supported employment programs
Get answers about Medicare
Apply for Medicaid and other benefits
Does your organization need to be added to the NY Connects Resource Directory?
Please use this link to request that your organization be added to the Directory. Please note, the entity must provide a service to caregivers, including but not limited to respite care. There are additional inclusion/exclusion criteria – your request will be reviewed by the local NY Connects program for inclusion in the resource directory.